Schezwan Poha Recipe (Fusion Recipe)
Schezwan Poha Recipe (Fusion Recipe)
Poha is our all time favourite, which makes the mornings easier. It is simple, nutritious and gets cooked in no time. Have you ever tried adding a twist to the traditional way of making poha? We have exactly done the same here, with Schezwan Poha Recipe which is a fusion recipe. Keeping in mind the love for schezwan sauce by all, we have created a Schezwan poha. It is quick to make, delicious, hot and tangy, loaded with vegetables, making the breakfast all the more exciting. Serve this Schezwan Poha Recipe along with Apple Almond Date Smoothie Recipe and a Boiled Eggs Recipe for a complete breakfast.
Schezwan Poha Recipe (Fusion Recipe)
Poha is our all time favourite, which makes the mornings easier. It is simple, nutritious and gets cooked in no time. Have you ever tried adding a twist to the traditional way of making poha? We have exactly done the same here, with Schezwan Poha Recipe which is a fusion recipe. Keeping in mind the love for schezwan sauce by all, we have created a Schezwan poha. It is quick to make, delicious, hot and tangy, loaded with vegetables, making the breakfast all the more exciting. Serve this Schezwan Poha Recipe along with Apple Almond Date Smoothie Recipe and a Boiled Eggs Recipe for a complete breakfast.Ingredients
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