Calypso coffee - Calypso coffee

Enjoy this winning after-dinner combination of rum, coffee and cream. Garnish with a coffee bean or grating of dark chocolate

Prep:10 mins

Serves 1

150ml strong black coffee25ml coffee liqueur25ml dark rum1 tsp golden caster sugarice25ml double cream1 coffee bean

STEP 1Pour the coffee into a heatproof glass or mug. Stir in the liqueur, rum and sugar and mix until the sugar has dissolved.STEP 2Put a handful of ice in a cocktail shaker and add the cream. Shake a few times, just until the outside of the shaker feels a little frosty, then slowly strain the cream on top of the liqueur coffee – use a bar spoon or pour over the back of a teaspoon to help you slow down the pour and ensure the cream floats.STEP 3Garnish with a coffee bean and serve.

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